Saturday, February 02, 2008

This is Camp Princess #1: Born to rule! It's good book. Once you read it, you'll never want to put it down. You could just finish it in two days.
This story is about:
CAmp Princess is just like any other summer camp. Okay, so it's not exactly summer, since the magical kingdom of Palacyndrahas seasons that change at the drop of a tiara. And it's not exactly camp, since the princesses stay in fully furnished turrets, complete with chambermaids. But it is a chance to get away from home and enjoy activities such as arts and crafts(with diamonds, of course) and moat swimming (bathing tiara required). It's a place where Princess Alicia makes real friends, Princesses Kristen and Gundersnap.
And for Alicia, Camp Princess becomes much more. A place of mystery. Her turret seems to be haunted, and the golden bird she captured for the songbird contest refuses to sing a note! It's all utterly fustrating-until one shadowy night, when Alicia feels a ghostly presencein her room and begins to discover a destiny far more exciting than anything she could have imagined.
Exciting, huh? Well, it is for me!
I'll tell you about PArt two later!

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