Tuesday, June 10, 2008

BuddyTv: Hannah Montana has a new Article

When Hannah Montana star Miley Cyrus posted several sexy pictures of herself, BuddyTV readers came to her defense in droves, saying that she was just being a typical teen. Picture of her in her underwear, in a bikini, pretending to kiss other girls, lying across the laps of boys have made their way around the internet, posted on gossip sites and entertainment blogs around the world. It seems, perhaps, that the photos aren’t as harmless as her fans may think and have attracted attention from the wrong kind of people. It was reported this week that Cyrus is grounded for talking to older men online and flirting with them.

A source close to the family told Star Magazine, “Miley is getting too big for her britches and had to be taken down a notch and Tish is the only person capable of doing it! She is very upset with the pictures that have been leaked and she’s worried Miley’s image has been permanently tarnished.” According to the story, Tish has become concerned with her daughter’s flirtatious conversations on MySpace. She confronted Miley about it, who flipped out on her and used “inappropriate language” with her. Tish put her foot down and grounded the Disney star to keep a tighter leash on her.As the current face of Disney, parents expect Miley Cyrus to be a good role model for their children. It seems that for the last 6 months, all she’s been getting is bad press. Sure, there’s a time that every pop princess has to grow up but she shouldn’t try to play both sides of the entertainment industry. Though there’s a lot of money to be made as a fresh faced bubblegum teenybopper, there’s equally that opportunity for a sexy songstress with a grown up sound. It seems time that Miley decides which team she’s playing for.


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